References: Singapore American School

February 14, 1990

Dear Martin,

All I can say is "GREAT"

Please know that you were very well received by our students here at the Singapore American School during your concert with us on January 26.

One concern in education seems that we get so busy teaching the basics that we at times forget what's really basic. Without a doubt, the arts is part of any person's education as it speaks so clearly to the art of living. Quality of life is forever attached to the appreciation and enthusiasm for the arts. This is what I think you shared with us. You lit a candle of enthusiasm and promoted an emotion that we all need to continue to dig deeper into the understanding and appreciation of the artists who have contributed to the goodness of life.

I was especially taken with your discussion of Noel Coward's work. You are a man of immense talent in your communication with students. I continue to wish you well and can offer only a most. heartfelt thanks on our students' behalf.

All Good Wishes

Mark E. Ulfers
Ulu Pandan Campus